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Sound Station Cover
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We conquer the world because we are good, we are toll!
The motto of AC&LK is 


Sound Station Cover


AGE CONNECT are Peter Surray, originally from Wuppertal/Germany, now living in Poland, and Tomasz Labanowski, who is an excellent guitar player & arranger in Warsaw.


With their first two singles “Power of Devotion” & “Together” they achieved success in Poland & Germany. With ROCKAWAY, who is a Hamburg based musician and singer, producer & songwriter with national & international gold & platinum awards we released “Sound Station”, it achieved remarkable success in Poland & other countries, it has entered several international radio charts. Second Single „Disco Knights” - a powerful catching Dance-Pop song has huge success in Summer 2024 in Poland & South America, was No.1 at Hitllist HitPlaneta at Muzyczne Radio (PL). That was reason enough to produce a Club Edit version. Now theyu presenting the 3rd single "Good Times", a spirited anthem of positivity - fresh pop with retro flair. Release on 29.11.204.

AGE CONNECT worked too with DAGGA - “The Moment” was their first single.

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2022 AGE CONNECT published First CD “Power of Devotion” , to order at

Originally AGE CONNECT was founded 1984 in Wuppertal by Peter (dr, lyrics), his brother Thomas/Bass (+) and Franki (gr). Together with Bernard (keys) they composed & performed in Europe until 1995. They published a vinyl single “To be in Love”.

2021 Peter restarted with Tomasz (& Ansgar (Keys) from Munich) & since 2023 Bernd Klimpel from Hamburg, is part of AGE CONNECT Team.

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Tomek Łabanowski

rythym & solo guitars

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Peter Surray

drums & percussion, lyrics


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